Rheintaler Economic Forum is climate neutral

Climate neutrality is a matter of concern for the Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum (Wifo). It has therefore had its CO2 emissions calculated and is investing in a conservation project in Colombia.

The Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum supports a climate protection project in the Amazon rainforest. (Image: Pixabay.com)

With its partner ClimatePartner, the Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum had all CO2 emissions calculated that were generated in connection with the event: From the arrival of the guests and the number of overnight stays to the event technology and energy to the food and drinks. Now Wifo is climate neutral. Already in the run-up to the event, care was taken to avoid emissions wherever possible. Thus, Wifo always pays attention to regional and seasonal products when choosing catering. In cooperation with RTB Rheintal, Wifo now offers a shuttle service to make travel by public transport even more attractive.

Sensible compensation

Offsetting CO2 emissions, in addition to avoiding and reducing them, is an important puzzle in holistic climate protection. Greenhouse gases such as CO2 are distributed evenly in the atmosphere, so the greenhouse gas concentration is roughly the same everywhere on earth. With regard to the global greenhouse gas concentration and the greenhouse effect, it is therefore irrelevant where emissions are caused or avoided. Emissions that cannot be avoided locally can be offset by climate protection projects elsewhere.

Project in the Amazon

The Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum offsets its emissions, which are calculated at 9908 kilos of CO2, through a high-quality, internationally recognized project. Specifically, Wifo is investing in a climate protection project for forest conservation in Mataven in Colombia. The region is located in the area of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. The project protects 1.15 million hectares of tropical rainforest and preserves its biodiversity. It also provides education, health care, sanitation, food security and other social services to 16,000 indigenous people. It works hand in hand with local communities.

More information at:  https://fpm.climatepartner.com/project/1402/de

Registrations for the 28th Rhine Valley Economic Forum on January 20, 2023 are online (www.wifo.ch) possible.

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