First hydrogen forklift truck introduced in Switzerland
The first hydrogen forklift truck in Switzerland has arrived at Messer Schweiz AG and is in use with immediate effect. Hydrogen forklifts are said to be significantly more ecological and efficient than electric forklifts.

Together, Linde Material Handling and Messer Schweiz AG are introducing the first green hydrogen forklifts in national logistics in Switzerland. Electric forklifts have - according to reports - proven to be less efficient in recent years and will be replaced by H2 forklifts in the future.
Refueled in less than 5 minutes
The Linde hydrogen forklifts have a 1.8 kg hydrogen tank, which allows the industrial or logistics company to use these industrial trucks easily throughout the shift. The H2 forklift can be refueled in less than 5 minutes. This takes more than 2 hours for electric forklifts. H2 forklifts emit zero CO2 when in use. There is no need to dispose of the battery after around 6000, as is the case with electric forklifts. The fuel cells of the H2 forklift from Linde MH are supplied by the fuel cell giant Plug Power, which already supplies Amazon and, since 14 days, Walmart with their devices.
Long life
"We are proud to be the first in Switzerland to introduce a hydrogen forklift truck, so that Swiss logistics can work much more ecologically in the future," says Messer Schweiz CEO, Dr. Ing. Hans Michael Kellner. Linde is supplying the H2 forklifts and Messer Schweiz AG, Lenzburg, various types of H2 filling stations, including self-sufficient ones. With the help of, for example, solar cells and an electrolysis system, any logistics company can thus produce its hydrogen green on site, store it and compress it to the desired pressure. There is an economical solution for every operation. "H2 forklifts offer several advantages over other drive systems at once. It brings together the respective advantages of the different systems. You fill up as quickly as with a diesel truck and you're green like an electric truck. The long service life and operational reliability are further arguments. Even if the fuel cell fails, the module can be replaced within a few minutes," explains Kellner.
Source and further information: Knife Switzerland