Minergie standard: certified solution at the push of a button
With the new Minergie module Monitoring, planners now have a certified solution at their fingertips in the Minergie online platform. Building owners also receive benefits thanks to the new module. Otherwise, there will be few changes in the Minergie sector as of 2021.

According to the Minergie association, the specialist planner has the new Minergie module monitoring a simple, quality-assured overall solution that fulfills all the monitoring requirements of the standard. This is achieved with little effort for planning and verification. The module can be directly on the Minergie online platform (MOP) can be selected. Each module would be equipped with an interface that would allow an automated comparison of the planned and measured data during the operating phase. In this way, the Minergie building owner would receive valuable information about malfunctions and necessary operational optimizations.
Technical adjustments
As already mentioned, in the sense of consistency, only few changes will be made to 2021 according to Minergie. The following points are the implementation of already announced specifications, clarifications or innovations due to the updating of standards.
- Demand controlled ventilation
To ensure that the smell of raclette the night before is not still present at breakfast the day after, the ventilation of each residential unit in a new Minergie building must be individually controllable and adjustable from 2021. The air volume can thus be adapted to the effective occupancy of the rooms and the indoor humidity can be kept at a comfortable level - or the air volume can be increased in times of pandemic. The transitional period for the requirement for control/regulation per unit of use introduced in 2019 expires at the end of 2020.
- Electromobility requirements are based on code of practice SIA 2060
Minergie buildings have already been prepared for electromobility since 2018. The Minergie requirements are now based on the SIA 2060 code of practice published in June 2020. Expansion stage A is required. This means that even new buildings that are not yet planning a charging station for electric vehicles could retrofit one with little effort. Slow charging in Minergie buildings with renewable electricity produced in-house is particularly ecological. If charging stations are installed at the same time as the building is constructed (expansion stage D), there is a bonus to the Minergie rating.
- Efficiency classes for household appliances
The new EU guidelines for efficiency classes for household appliances will be implemented in Switzerland in the course of 2021. As soon as the efficiency classes relevant for the Minergie certificate are known, the necessary adjustments will be made successively at Minergie. We will provide information on the introduction and transition periods as soon as possible.
- Hot water and Minergie-A
A Minergie A building produces more energy than it consumes in a year. In order to comply with this principle, the hot water demand for the plus energy balance is now also included for the building categories restaurant (cat. IV) and sports buildings (cat. XI).
Source: Minergie