Comics for sustainable nutrition

The Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE) is publishing six comics on the topic of sustainable and balanced nutrition. The comics were created as part of the NRP 69 project "Sustainable and healthy diets: trade-offs and synergies". They were financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Cooking: Nobody is perfect. Some things work out well, some things unfortunately don't when it comes to sustainable cooking. (Image: zVg)

Nutrition has far-reaching consequences for our society: On the one hand, the way food is produced, processed and consumed affects the environment, the economy and society. On the other hand, many common diseases are related to nutrition. Future nutrition must therefore take into account aspects of both sustainability and health.

The NRP 69 project "Sustainable and healthy diets: trade-offs and synergies" analyzed synergies and trade-offs between the two fields. It shows different scenarios and provides strategies to make nutrition in Switzerland healthier and at the same time more sustainable. The study assesses how the diet of the Swiss population affects the environment, the economy and society, as well as public health.

Low-threshold and descriptive
The SBU has visualized the scenarios and strategies from the NRP 69 project using comic strips with six different protagonists. A wide variety of topics are addressed, such as meat consumption, food waste, origin and production conditions. The thoughts of the individual persons, their experiences and resolutions for the future are also illuminated.

"Nobody is perfect. Some things we already manage to do well, but some things we don't yet. These are precisely the aspects that the comics are intended to depict and encourage us to think about," explains Esther Jost, head of the SBU. "The topic can be conveyed in a low-threshold and vivid way through the comics without raising the index finger."

The comics, as well as other tips on sustainable food and drink, can be found at:

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