Organic growing worldwide
Organic agriculture continues to grow, with over 50 million hectares of land worldwide being organic, and an organic market of over $80 billion.

The positive trend of recent years continues. Demand for organic products continues to rise, more and more producers are farming organically, the organic area is growing, and figures on organic farming are now available from 179 countries. This is shown in the latest edition of the study "The World of Organic Agriculture". This statistical yearbook on global organic agriculture is published by FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International jointly published. The Yearbook is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and NürnbergMesse. The following is a selection of the latest figures.
The global organic market is growing
The market research company Organic Monitor puts the global market for organic products at $81.6 billion (approx. 75 billion euros) in 2015. The largest market is the United States (35.9 billion euros), followed by Germany (8.6 billion euros) and France (5.5 billion euros). Key markets also recorded double-digit growth in 2015. The highest per capita consumption was in Switzerland (262 euros), and the highest organic market share was in Denmark (8.4 percent).
Over two million organic producers
There are 2.4 million organic producers worldwide. As in previous years, the countries with the most producers are India (585,200), Ethiopia (203,602) and Mexico (200,039).
50.9 million hectares of organic farmland
50.9 million hectares of agricultural land were farmed organically at the end of 2015. This is almost 6.5 million hectares more than in 2014. Except in Latin America, the organic area has grown in all continents.
Forty-five percent of the global organic area is in Oceania (22.8 million hectares), followed by Europe (25 percent; 12.7 million hectares) and Latin America (13 percent; 6.7 million hectares). Australia is the country with the largest organic area (22.7 million hectares), followed by Argentina (3.1 million hectares) and the United States (2 million hectares).
Eleven countries with an organic area share of at least 10 percent
The countries with the highest organic share of agricultural land are Liechtenstein (30.2 percent), Austria (21.3 percent) and Sweden (16.9 percent). In eleven countries, at least 10 percent of agricultural land is farmed organically.
The World of Organic Agriculture 2017 study, infographics and online tables can be accessed via.
Source: FibL