Companies must become more credible
Last Thursday, November 30, the third FS Digital Executive Forum took place, a future-oriented event on the topic of credibility and trust in the corporate context. In times of digital transformation around new technologies such as artificial intelligence and thus new challenges for decision-makers in Swiss companies, it is becoming clear that it is no longer enough to build a company on figures alone. Companies need to become more credible again.

For once, it was not musicians and music enthusiasts who gathered in the ZKO building at lunchtime, but over 200 invited decision-makers from business and science who are shaping and want to shape the digital future of Swiss companies. The occasion was the third edition of the FS Digital Executive Forum, an event that was launched three years ago by FS Partners AG and has since met with great interest within the manufacturing industry and beyond.
During the afternoon and into the evening, numerous panel discussions and keynotes addressed highly topical transformation issues and highlighted use cases. The program was accompanied by the vocal acrobat and loop choir artist Martin O., who picked up on the theme with his performances and provided musical accompaniment. Patrick Comboeuf, Director of Studies at the HWZ and member of the Board of Directors of FS Partners AG, led through the event in an entertaining and informative manner. One theme came up again and again as the basic tenor: Credibility is becoming increasingly important as a success factor for Swiss companies, particularly as a result of current developments. Instead of only talking about credibility when it has already been damaged, many perspectives and possible solutions were discussed during this forum.
The event concluded with a musical intermezzo by three musicians from the Zurich Chamber Orchestra, followed by a stimulating, open Fireside Chat with Simone Wyss Fedele, CEO of the Swiss foreign trade organization SGE - Switzerland Global Enterprise, on key factors for a successful future for Swiss companies such as employee engagement, operational excellence, digital transformation and sustainability in the corporate model.
"The demands on Swiss companies have increased enormously due to issues such as the shortage of skilled workers, sustainability and, above all, the rapid developments in the field of digitalization and, this year in particular, artificial intelligence. The pressure to act is also evident in established companies. That's why events like the FS Digital Executive Forum are needed to learn from each other through mutual exchange with peers and to boldly tackle the necessary change," says Patrick Comboeuf. "That's why we offer this platform for important dialog and knowledge sharing - and hopefully it will also be the starting point for many exciting projects to help Swiss entrepreneurs move forward."