Effie Awards Switzerland 2024: Four more bronze campaigns have been announced

The Effie Awards Switzerland 2024 are just around the corner. m&k reports exclusively and continuously on this year's winners. Rod Kommunikation with two campaigns, Thjnk and TBWA\Zürich take bronze.

swiss effie

The Effie Awards Switzerland are organized by Leading Swiss Agencies, the association of Switzerland's leading communications agencies, and recognize the most effective marketing campaigns of the past two years. For this year's edition, 59 jury members selected 34 outstanding campaigns as finalists in the first round of judging. m&k was there and gained various insights from the jury (Markt-kom.com reported).

From these 34 campaigns, 20 jurors have now awarded a total of 24 campaigns with metal in the second round of judging. The judging took place under the direction of jury president Peter Felser and the Effie management.

Which 24 campaigns have won will be m&k will be unveiled in various stages over the coming weeks. The 2024 winners will be celebrated at the award show on November 13. The latest bronze winners are Rod Kommunikation, Thjnk and TBWA\Zürich.

SOS Children's Village - Ex-Child (category Doing Good/Positive Change)

The "Ex-Kind" campaign was able to: increase brand awareness by 30 percent exceed the donation target by 40 percent and raise over CHF 1.7 million in donations gain 1,300 new donors generate 5,000 quality leads

SOS Children's Villages has a shrinking, ageing donor base. The volume of donations has been declining for years. The number of young donors is too low. However, we all have one thing in common: we were all once children and know that a safe childhood is the most important foundation for life as an adult.

A thought appeal to one's own childhood functions as an empathy trigger and creates the emotional basis for the donation request.

With the word creation "ex-child" and the use of prominent SOS ambassadors as "ex-children", (young) Swiss people are encouraged to get involved for children in need.

The new communication umbrella makes the topic of "childhood" very popular, increases spontaneous Children's Village brand awareness by 30 percent and generates over CHF 1.7 million in donations.

Client: SOS Children's Village

Lead agency: Rod communication

Edelweiss - Leave. Love. (Category Brand Image)

The campaign achieved a brand sympathy peak and was able to increase bookings by +34.8% compared to 2019. The media costs per booking were reduced from CHF 10.92 to CHF 5.51.

Edelweiss has created a new brand with its "Leave. Love." campaign showed how important it is to understand the needs of the target group. The airline recognized that after Corona, it was not just about where to go, but also about what you want to get away from. The campaign drew people with wanderlust images into the vastness, while at the same time a verbal bracket encouraged them to leave everyday frustrations behind. With success, Edelweiss recorded +34.8 percent more bookings than before coronavirus, while the overall market still only accounted for 74.7 percent of 2019. At the same time, the campaign reduced media costs per booking from CHF 10.92 before coronavirus to CHF 5.51.

Client: Edelweiss Air Switzerland

Lead agency: Thjnk Zurich

Other agencies / companies: Media cutter

SBB - Youth campaign for public transport. (Category New New)

SBB inspires young consumers to use public transport and exceeds its sales targets by up to 35 percent. Almost one in four buyers had never or hardly ever traveled by public transport before.

Destination Experience: To promote the new, attractive youth offers, SBB is immersing itself in the emotional world of young people with a campaign in the name of public transport. Instead of place names, the iconic blue station signs are now emblazoned with cool terms from the current youth language, reflecting the enthusiasm and freedom that can be experienced together on the move.

"Sheesh": The campaign speaks the language of the target group and shows that SBB understands what moves young people.

With success: the sales targets were exceeded by up to 35 percent and by the end of 2023, one in 10 young people already had a GA Night travelcard.

Client: SBB

Lead agency: TBWA\Zurich

Other agencies / companies: Havas (Switzerland), Visualeyes Jeff, eg+ Worldwide, Kingfluencers

SRK - Be A Henry! (Category Doing Good/Positive Change)

"Be a Henry!" could motivate over 900 young people, generate over 22,500 landing page views, reach over 4 million contacts on social media, generate almost 40,000 total engagements, record 46 percent more Google searches.

In a "multi-option society", the attractiveness of traditional volunteer work is continuously declining. The Swiss Red Cross is feeling the effects of this, particularly in terms of the lack of young volunteers. People who volunteer today do not want to make long-term commitments, but want to help out quickly and on a short-term, project-related basis. At the SRC, you can do a lot of good with little commitment - and we show that. This makes it easier to get involved in social projects.

The appeal "Be a Henry!" revives the founding spirit of original influencer Henry Dunant and brings his vision to life via social media ads and new influencer content. The SRC social campaign encourages over 900 young people to get involved with the SRC. "Be a Henry!" even activates so many people that it has to be paused.

Client: Swiss Red Cross

Lead agency: Rod communication




This article originally appeared on markt-kom.com - https://www.markt-kom.com/de/markom/awards/effie-awards-switzerland-2024-vier-weitere-bronze-kampagnen-sind-bekannt-2/

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