CM Informatik AG takes over BrainCONNECT AG

The owner of BrainCONNECT AG has decided to sell her business to CM Informatik AG (CMI). BrainCONNECT is a long-standing market companion of CMI and offers a business administration solution (GEVER) at the municipal level.

Silvia Stäubli (Managing Director BrainCONNECT AG), Stefan Bosshard (CEO CM Informatik AG). (Image: zVg)

CM Informatik AG (CMI) takes over the business activities of its long-time market companion, which previously belonged to Graphax AG, as of March 1, 2022. Through this acquisition of the business activities of BrainCONNECT, CMI consolidates its leading role in the Swiss software market for municipalities and accompanies its customers into a secure and sustainable future. The acquired software solution "BrainCONNECT GEVER" is almost identical to the solutions offered by CM Informatik in the GEVER area. Therefore, the CMI solution platform is the best possible successor software for the newly acquired customers and at the same time offers a wealth of additional specialist solutions and modules, it says. As of February 28, 2022, BrainCONNECT AG will cease its business activities. However, the BrainCONNECT system will continue to run as usual and support will be seamlessly ensured. The existing customer contracts will continue unchanged. "We are sure that we have taken the right and optimal step by handing over the business to CMI in order to offer both customers and employees a solid perspective for the future," comments Silvia Stäubli, Managing Director of BrainCONNECT AG on this step. The software solution "BrainCONNECT GEVER Standard" is a cloud-based GEVER solution with specialist applications (contract and meeting management) and interfaces to peripheral systems. In 2015, the company was sold to Graphax AG in Dietikon ZH.


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