SICTIC: More than 100 financing rounds made possible

On track for success despite difficult market environment: SICTIC, which claims to be the largest angel investor club in Switzerland, facilitated a total of 106 financing rounds for technology startups in 2022.

The key figures of the SICTIC Investment Report. (Graphic: zVg)

The Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC) connects angel investors with young Swiss technology startups. According to its own statements, this largest angel investor club in Switzerland has just published its annual investment report: of a total of 153 financing rounds in Swiss early-stage startups in the ICT and FinTech sector, SICTIC investors were involved in 106 rounds. This means that the association, which was founded in 2014 and has around 500 members, covers 69% of all early-stage financing in Swiss ICT and FinTech startups and thus makes a significant contribution to the successful transfer of technology into innovative products and the creation of new, promising jobs.

SICTIC recorded nine exits

The aggregated portfolio of this investor community grows to an impressive 254 startups, some of which have already achieved so-called "unicorn" status, i.e. a company valuation of more than one billion Swiss francs, or are on the verge of doing so. Furthermore, SICTIC reports a remarkable nine exits. "Despite many uncertainties in the market and an increase in inflation, 2022 was an exceedingly strong growth year for venture capital in Switzerland. This not only underlines the quality and robustness of Swiss startups, but also demonstrates the association's leading role as the most active matchmaking platform for Swiss early-stage financing," Dr. Thomas Dübendorfer, President of SICTIC, is pleased to report.

Expansion to other technology sectors

The investor club also announces that, in addition to startups from the ICT and fintech sectors, it intends to support startups from other technology sectors in the future: "We want to expand our successful and efficient matchmaking process to other sectors. On the one hand, this offers opportunities for our investors to further diversify their portfolio - on the other hand, it allows us to make a greater contribution to the Swiss startup ecosystem, as more startups can benefit from our matchmaking process", explains Thomas Ackermann, Managing Director of SICTIC.

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