Success Impulse: How to become a real role model (the world needs you!)
More people are needed who are real role models. This is the opinion of our guest author Volkmar Völzke, who provides a new impetus for success.

I think it's more important than ever in these times: We need more people who behave in an exemplary manner. Most of all, this applies to all leaders. They are constantly modeled by others anyway, and often unconsciously.
Be a true role model
As I always emphasize, the essence of leadership is exercising influence. Without influence, there is no leadership. One of the best and most effective ways to increase influence is to constantly act as a role model and act accordingly. Think of the most effective leaders in politics and business: they are always role models for their respective followers.
Unfortunately, sometimes we do not behave in an exemplary manner and do not even notice it. We then wonder why we have so little influence. The reason: We are not seen as a role model. You can change that. So here are three effective ways to do it:
Way 1: Full preshow presence
The most exemplary leaders manage to be extremely present - even when things get hectic. This means giving your counterpart your undivided attention for the time you spend together. Especially in today's world, where everyone hides behind their smartphones and computers, you can stand out as a true role model simply by being strongly present.
Tip: In your next meeting with one or more people, be present to 100% - no distractions, no wandering thoughts. Just be fully there. For most, this is not easy.
Way 2: Project positive energy
One of the most important tasks of good leaders is to show positive perspectives and radiate positive energy. If you join in the general lament of difficulties and problems, you are quite simply not a role model - and not a good leader. This has to do with responsibility: As a leader, it's your obligation to make sure you come to work with a positive attitude and project that into your people.
Tip: Make a concrete resolution to radiate only positive energy in the next meeting. You need to do this especially when it comes to very difficult topics.
Way 3: Move things forward
Do you know someone who you consider exemplary, but who hardly makes any progress? No? Exactly. To be an exemplary leader, you have to make your mark and move things forward. All people who are considered exemplary have made a big difference or are making a big difference - be it in politics, business, the arts, sports, etc. The important thing is that you need to know what you want to be perceived as a role model with. Which results count the most?
So here you have three important ways to become even more exemplary than you already are today. Apply it: it's more important than ever.
To the author:
Volkmar Völzke is a success maximizer. Book author. Consultant. Coach. Speaker.