Stress-free through change processes - a fairy tale?
In today's business world, change management or the implementation of change projects is an everyday challenge that is often associated with emotions and tensions. An interactive training and seminar concept from Denmark brings a fresh digital wind and joy of learning to this. On February 6, 2020, this management seminar can be experienced in Solothurn.

In itself, a change on the emotional level does not yet bode well for the employees. For those affected, an innovation means on the one hand a learning effort and on the other hand uncertainty with regard to the outcome and personal consequences of the entire undertaking - even opportunities are something uncertain. This conceals the potential for so-called resistance, which from a systemic perspective represents a striving for stability and security, which is important for all people - to varying degrees, of course.
What exactly makes change projects challenging?
The more stable your initial situation is in the perception of those affected, the greater the potential for resistance. It should be noted that one's own perception as a manager or initiator does not correspond to the perception of all those affected. Although the triggers for change are often technical and/or strategic in nature, change projects very quickly move to an emotional level. In this context, the relevant competencies of middle and senior management, but also of employees in dealing with change, play a decisive role. What is particularly often needed are specific, soft competencies within the organization. This is also reflected in the survey conducted on Xing by Nova Change, a cooperation network consisting of several management consultants from Germany and Switzerland.
A fairy godmother for change processes?
In response to the question, "What wishes in relation to the change processes would you address to a fairy godmother?", managers and those affected responded with the following statements, among others:
- let the results become visible faster and keep the motivation,
- Strengthen employees' self-management skills in dealing with their own fears and resistance,
- improve confidence in the experience of managers,
- let management model the change and put their heart into it,
- please ... make the others believe in the positive of a change and see more chance than risk!
Using modern adult education methodology to train how to deal with change
Unfortunately, good fairies only exist in fairy tales... or do they? Nova Change seems to have found one, in the form of a modern learning EDP and adult education methodology designed specifically for facilitation and training in change projects - Actee Change. The system is already widely established in Denmark as well as in some Northern European countries. With excitement, curiosity and joy, this methodology allows to understand the emotional side in change management in a very short time and to train how to deal with it. You can experience how this works at an event in Solothurn.
Seminar: Change Management beGREIFEN
Where: Coworking Uferbau, Ritterquai 8, 4500 Solothurn
When: 06.02.2020 09:00 - 16:00
Information and registration: