Success impulse: Do you have your foot on the brake?

By the time this column is published, you have just under 330 days left to make 2018 truly outstanding - that is, to achieve significantly more for yourself, your team, your business, your family, your friends.

Release your brakes! With a few impulses for success, this will work. (Image: kupchynskyi12 -

Here is an important impulse for success at the beginning of the year so that you can achieve this: Take your foot off the brake! From my observation, there are 3 groups of behaviors in the new year (ask yourself which group you and your colleagues most likely belong to):

  • Group 1: The Onward Makers. They simply carry on as before with the result that 2018 will be rather worse or only marginally better than last year. This is the largest group of people (note: also in your company or team!).
  • Group 2: The ambitious. You set big goals, inspire yourself and others and take some actions. With a little luck and perseverance, you can increase your success a little in 2018. Maybe half of the leaders in business act like this.
  • Group 3: Those in the fast lane. You do everything as in point 2, plus: you release the brakes that have so far kept you and your team from greater success. Very few people do that. What do I mean by that?

Braking mindsets

Your brakes consist of mindsets, habits and fears. In other words, it's your ingrained mindsets and habits, as well as your fears (yes: we all have them!) that are holding you and your peers back from doing something truly great.

You can put your foot down on the inspiration, goal and training side: If you and your people are on the brakes of mindsets (aka mindset), habits and fears, not only will nothing change, but you'll be frustrated and exhausted instead. Sound familiar?

Well, release your brakes! Here are three ideas on how to do that:

  1. Mindset. Expect your team (and first and foremost the leadership team) to have a winning mindset. This can be trained and coached. More on this in another Success Impulse.
  2. Habits. Examine your habits (and ask your colleagues to do the same): "What daily routines aren't helping us on the path to really greatness?" This could be unproductive meetings, handling emails, conversational skills, as well as things like eating habits, fitness routines, and more. Put everything to the test!
  3. Fears. Ask yourself what is currently the biggest internal barrier to greater success. For salespeople, it's often calling unknown potential customers; for leaders, it's showing true enthusiasm; and for team members, it's asking uncomfortable questions. And so on. Important: Train to overcome these fears systematically. Yes, you can. Top teams do it all the time.

So then, take your foot off the brake and step on the gas in 2018. The world (at least your customers and your team) needs you and your business!

To the author:
Volkmar Völzke is a success maximizer. Book author. Consultant. Coach. Speaker.


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