Leading in the digital age - 12 theses

How can we lead successfully in the digital age? Digitization or not, managers will continue to lead people - not machines and algorithms. Managers should keep reminding themselves of this.

"Digital doesn't matter: people remain people - leadership decides". written by Barbara Liebermeister. (Image: zVg)

What does leadership mean in the digital age? Barbara Liebermeister, author of the book "Digital doesn't matter," says: "People remain people, the most innovative information and communication technologies don't change that." She has now drawn up 12 theses for management executives:

Thesis 1: Personality cannot be digitized!

That is why increasing digitization even requires more social competence and empathy in companies - because employees increasingly lack the desired support and the necessary orientation in a VUVA world characterized by permanent change and little ability to plan.

Thesis 2: People can only be led by people!

Skype, iPhone and the like often simplify our lives - but no computer program in the world can replace agile leaders who provide impetus, ideas and motivation for the people around them.

Thesis 3: Manager - rather a connoisseur of human nature than a technical expert!

Managers increasingly rarely have a knowledge advantage over their employees. They must rely on their expertise (and loyalty). Instead, it is becoming a core task of management to integrate specialists or employees with specialized knowledge into teams and to promote their individual strengths.

Thesis 4: Creativity is not programmable!

Creativity is a prerequisite for innovation and one of the central skills that distinguishes us humans from machines. "Developing team spirit," "resolving conflicts," and "creating identification with the job" - only agile leaders can help with these tasks, not zeros and ones.

Thesis 5: The principle of command and obedience has had its day!

Modern managers are not know-it-alls - and instructions such as "Do this or that and we'll be successful" are no longer effective. Instead, managers and their employees must meet as equals and work together in the process to determine which solutions will lead to the desired results.

Thesis 6: The answer to mechanization is more emotional intelligence!

The more emotionless and soulless technology is used in companies and their environment, the more consciously we must seek and shape personal, emotional interaction with one another. That is why the importance of emotional intelligence for leadership success is increasing.

Thesis 7: Leadership must provide orientation, support and security!

The more diffuse, unstable and characterized by change the corporate environment is, the more employees long for orientation and support as well as security. Ultimately, only their managers can satisfy this need when everything else in the environment is "fluctuating". This requires a trusting and appreciative relationship with each other.

Thesis 8: Leadership is relationship - flesh and blood leaders are required!

As a boss, it is always better to take a few moments to sit down and discuss problems and suggestions for improvement together than to send an emotionless e-mail - because in this case the manager (and the employee) cannot be experienced as a person. Body language and tonality, facial expressions and gestures are lost. Misunderstandings are therefore pre-programmed, which have a negative impact on the quality of the relationship.

Thesis 9: Leadership means reaching people and creating meaning!

The "digital natives" of Generation Y are hardly impressed and emotionally committed by the prospect of prestige and status in their jobs. Instead, the search for meaning and self-fulfillment are at the forefront for tomorrow's high performers. This is similar for today's high performers, who are often "digital immigrants". They, too, want to know "Why?" when it comes to projects and ask themselves "What does this mean for me - professionally and privately?" Creative leadership methods that take individual, personal needs into account are therefore in demand.

Thesis 10: Empathy creates the conditions for success!

Empathizing with the emotional world of your counterpart is an enormously important leadership tool. Because when employees are in a positive mood because they feel comfortable and appreciated, they are also willing to commit themselves - and thus the most important prerequisite for innovation is also fulfilled.

Thesis 11: Managers must become a "brand"!

Managers should be aware of their values, convictions and strengths and communicate them so that they become an unmistakable "brand" for their employees. Because only those who are authentic and clearly stand by their values and convictions will win the trust of people - including their employees.

Thesis 12: Nothing works without networking!

Anyone can have 1000 Facebook friends (... and buy them if need be). Networking offline takes more effort, but is crucial for success. Contacts and relationships can be initiated online, but trust requires face-to-face encounters. Professional networking requires the best of both worlds.



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