White Paper "Active Sourcing: How to succeed in proactive recruiting".

Actively searching for candidates before a position is filled: Active sourcing is the name of this demanding recruiting measure. More and more recruiters are trying to find potential employees through direct approaches. The latest white paper from Careerplus shows how active sourcing can succeed.

Cover of the just published white paper.

To recruit talent, more and more HR professionals are actively approaching candidates. As a survey by Careerplus of around 400 customers shows that 41 percent of respondents already use active sourcing for recruitment. As the name suggests, the roles are reversed in this proactive recruiting measure: it is not the candidate who applies to the company, but the company to the potential employee.

Demanding recruitment measure

Active sourcing is a demanding recruitment measure. Several months or even years can pass from the actual search to the first contact to the cultivation of relationships. It is therefore not surprising that slightly more than one in six companies relies on the support of external specialists for its active sourcing activities for time and financial reasons. Applied correctly, however, active sourcing offers many advantages. In particular, it is a promising measure in the battle for particularly sought-after specialists and job profiles. It also increases the chances of filling vacancies efficiently and effectively.

Examples and tips for active sourcing

From profile definition and search to direct approach and follow-up, recruiters have to deal with a number of questions: Where do I look for and find the right candidates? What is the best way to approach them? And above all: How do I convince them of a new job? In the Careerplus white paper, you will find a detailed description of the six process phases in the sourcing process, as well as practical examples and tips.

In this interview, Helen Wäny, Brand Management & Innovation Specialist at Careerplus, explains what is important in active sourcing and how it can be used to recruit successfully. In the Careerplus survey, you can also find out how widespread active sourcing already is in the HR industry and what other advantages proactive recruiting can offer.

The white paper "Active Sourcing: How to succeed in proactive recruiting" is available as a Download available free of charge.

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