Randstad Work Barometer reveals perceptions of digitalization
The Randstad Work Barometer shows that Swiss companies have some catching up to do with regard to digital strategy compared to other countries. In addition, half of all Swiss employees say they need to acquire more digital skills in order to have a chance on the labor market in the future.
The Randstad Work Barometer shows something astonishing: Switzerland is below the global average in terms of digitalization level. In many other countries, digitization already has a greater weighting. Globally, 84 % of participants are convinced that every company should have a digital strategy, and 59 % confirm that their employer does.
So there is a clear need for action for Swiss employers - either to develop a digital strategy or to inform their employees about the existing strategy.
Unused opportunities
Jonathan Isenring, co-founder of the Digital Festival in Switzerland, sees various possible factors influencing the study results for Switzerland: "In Switzerland, there is still a tendency for some industries and companies to be in a comfort zone when it comes to digitization. Perhaps they have too little pressure to develop a digital strategy. Another factor is probably the rather reserved, understatement attitude of the Swiss, who rate themselves lower and less optimistically than other countries and cultures do."
Swiss employees
The digital world of work requires different skills than are currently available - 63 % of all Swiss survey participants agree with this statement. In contrast, only half of all Swiss respondents believe they need to acquire more digital skills to ensure their future employability.
Is this assessment due to Switzerland's progressive educational landscape? Toni Schmid, business economist FH and managing director of FH SCHWEIZ, the national umbrella organization for graduates of Swiss universities of applied sciences, assesses the study results as follows: "Particularly at universities of applied sciences, where practical application is very important, the topics of digitization have always been present and they are constantly being deepened. This happens within the departments or, in the meantime, with specialized departments or cooperations. Graduates are therefore well prepared for the job market. This is also confirmed by the very low unemployment rates when students enter the workforce. In this respect, this performance in the lower ranks should be seen as the highest honor."
Male digital natives
Swiss men tend to feel they need to acquire digital skills more than Swiss women. At the age of 18 - 24, the difference is extremely strong. At 77 %, male digital natives are convinced that they need more digital skills to still find a job in the future. Among female digital natives, this figure is only 47 %.
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