Tibetan Energy Work: May the energy flow!

Tired? Tense? Or do you otherwise have the feeling that you have lost your "inner center"? With Nicole Flury you can learn again to feel your own body and to pay attention to its signs. We have tried out Tibetan energy work.

Tibetan energy work: This is how Nicole Flury gets the energy flowing again. (Image: zVg)

Life doesn't always turn out the way you want or imagine. Nicole Flury has also had this experience. Despite having a good job - she can look back on a career of more than 25 years in the textile and furniture retail trade - she repeatedly felt that she needed more creativity and personal freedom. The desire to make a difference in her life grew. A company merger at her last employer ultimately proved to be a stroke of providence: Nicole Flury took this as a starting point for the change she longed for. She trained as a certified Integral Coach and as a certified Mental Coach CIS at the renowned and internationally recognized coaching institute Living Sense. Today she runs her own practice in Zurich.

Diverse coaching methods

The methods that coaches like Nicole Flury use are about as varied as the suffering of the people who seek their help. Differentiation is sometimes difficult. And there is plenty of room for skepticism, especially when a method is advertised as "Tibetan energy work". Nicole Flury practices this as one of few providers in Switzerland. It is said to be knowledge passed down from Tibet, which via detours is now also increasingly attracting interest in the West. Tibetan energy work is based on 24 so-called "organ circles" or "energy spaces" (see second text). By simultaneously touching certain points on the body, a circuit of bioelectric current is activated, which dissolves the energetic blockages in the body. This allows the energy to flow again. The benefits for the patient sound promising: Burnout, stress, skin problems, overweight/underweight, back/joint pain, sleep disorders, depression, loneliness or listlessness can be treated sustainably, but the method is also suitable for quitting smoking or for relationship issues, it is said.

"Relaxation island" in everyday life

Not that I suffer from any of these problems myself, but I gladly accepted the invitation to experience the method of Tibetan energy work first hand. So I meet Nicole Flury one afternoon in her small but very friendly therapy room. From the very beginning I feel at ease, the furnishings radiate peace and comfort. Nicole Flury asks me how I am doing, how I feel. "Curiously tense" was more or less the description of my state of mind. After all, what was in store for me over the next 60 minutes or so? After a preliminary talk and answering a few questions about my state of health, Nicole Flury asks me to lie down on a mat.

Then it's time to relax. That's not so easy. My head is still full of thoughts and tasks that I carry around with me from my previous appointments. And then also the way from our Zurich offices across the city, always with half an eye on the clock so as not to be late. And now you're suddenly supposed to "flip the switch"? I try, close my eyes and do everything I can to block out my thoughts and everything else.

Unity between therapist and client

I notice how Nicole Flury gently pushes her foot under my body and feel the first touches of her hand. Indeed, it feels as if there is something like a current flowing between the points of contact - a not unpleasant tingling sensation. This is precisely the desired effect, Nicole Flury will explain to me later. Both client and therapist are supposed to be involved in a flow of energy. Both can go into a deep relaxation during the treatment, the flow of thoughts in the head is allowed to stop.

At some point I think I am being touched by many hands. How is the therapist doing this? What is it that I feel simultaneously on my forehead, on my wrist, on the top of my head? Anyway, I start to enjoy the whole thing... I wince slightly at a touch on my left lower abdomen. Has Nicole Flury hit a "sore spot" here? The emphasis of the energy work is now on my left side of the body. At the end Nicole Flury touches my feet. Immediately I feel a warmth flowing up from there. The tingling reaches another peak and literally flows from the sole to the crown of my head. Once again I feel all those points on my head that have already been touched once.

A clear path for energy

The feet form the final point. I hear Nicole Flury briefly leave the room. So is that it? Is something surprising still to come? Nicole Flury returns and asks me to slowly come back to the "now". I leisurely straighten up, have to "sort myself out" again a bit and sit down at the table with the therapist. In the meantime, she has poured two glasses of water and points out to me that it is now important to drink a lot. "Only in this way can the energy flow properly," she explains. That makes sense, because the "knots" are now supposed to be loosened by the touches, and the energy now has a free course. Nicole Flury asks me how I feel. In any case, much more relaxed than before, is my answer. Concentrating on myself, blocking out my surroundings, simply "being" for an hour has done me good, I think. On the other hand, I want to know whether she also sensed something in me. On the right, everything was very calm and even, says Nicole Flury. But when she touched my left wrist, "it swirled and throbbed, so that I had to dissipate the energy over the floor," she says. Interesting; should I perhaps do some causal research?

Tibetan energy work: "Relaxing away" ingrained patterns

Even if I have not yet fully understood what it has to do with these "energy currents": Just consciously relaxing can already achieve a great deal. Does this require "energy work"? Is Tibetan energy work nothing more than esotericism? Nicole Flury clearly denies it. It is neither about reaching a certain spiritual state nor about a "higher realization". Rather, Tibetan Energy Work is to be seen as an alternative and supplement to classical therapy and coaching methods. And it in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. "I use Tibetan energy work as an additional means to support people who come to me in their development and on their personal path," Nicole Flury explains. She says it is primarily about dissolving blockages, old beliefs and patterns, such as the frequently expressed impression of never being able to suffice. The energy work can uncover and address the cause of the personal topics and/or physical complaints. It is therefore very sustainable and holistic, so no symptom control.

May, not must

The pleasant thing about this method is that for a moment you don't have to do anything; you are allowed to lie down and relax, the rest is actually done by the body. "Switching off" and throwing off ballast helps to activate self-healing forces in the body. In other words, clients can regain confidence in their own body and its inherent ability to heal itself through this method. To experience this, one "trial session" is probably not enough. I, for one, took away as a positive effect that the method can form an effective antipole to our performance society - and also an hour of real "Digital Detox".

Nicole Flury is a personal coach and offers various therapy and coaching methods. She supports her clients in regaining the energy to overcome challenges.

Tibetan energy work
Tibetan energy work is based on a system of 24 organ circuits. This is based on ancient knowledge of Tibetan monks. For centuries, the knowledge of this integration and transformation method was passed down orally from one generation to the next. In the 1970s, the method was rediscovered by the American James Murley, who later called himself Shantam Dheeraj. During a serious illness, he is said to have found inner access to this knowledge of the Tibetan monks and was able to recover through self-healing powers that were released. Through his later work with the system of the 24 organ circles, the method became known for the first time outside Tibet and was thus made accessible to therapists worldwide. Nicole Flury offers mental coaching in her practice in Zurich in addition to Tibetan energy work.


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