New book by Edith Karl: "Digitized Courage
Is digitization displacing people or even supporting them? Author Edith Karl knows that both are true. In her new book, she shows what digitization frees people from, but also what challenges and opportunities it offers them.

One thing is certain: People remain the most important factor in events. This is especially true for those people who have mastered the core social skills. With this book, readers realize what gates their rediscovered curiosity opens for them. They focus inexorably on their goals. But only the supreme discipline of the courageous reveals how powerfully people can shape things together with others.
Edith Karl addresses many important topics and comes up with both well-known and lesser-known wisdom and conclusions. The wealth of examples presented is taken directly from life and is therefore easy to follow. This more serenity and strength lets people find their personal way through the huge range of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. More and more clearly, they recognize their possibilities. Freed from heavy physical work and boring routine, people can turn to challenging activities and do what suits their personality.
We have long been able to step out of the confining hamster wheel. Working life is becoming more diverse. In many companies, three generations are already working together across professional and often national boundaries. The so-called digital natives support the digital immigrants in terms of new working methods and speed. In return, they want to communicate at eye level and grow through meaningful challenges.
Last but not least, Edith Karl shows how readers can even digitize their own courage. Current sciences such as brain research, medicine, cell biology, epigenetics and quantum physics are currently proving the effectiveness of what wise men from East and West have been practicing for a long time. Scientific findings and experiments support people to create and realize their own way of life. This path is described in an easily readable and comprehensible way. The book can serve as a valuable stimulus for looking at digitization from perspectives other than the usual ones.
Further information and reader comments on the book can be found on