Five of six Circle buildings leased

The buildings in the Circle at Zurich Airport are enjoying great popularity. Now that three more companies have opted for the Circle, only just under 10,000m2 of the approximately 70,000m2 of office space is still available. With Unispace Global, work-place expertise is moving from downtown Zurich to the Circle.

The Circle offers many meeting options. The construction method convinces with some "green" aspects. The buildings are soon to be awarded the Minergie standard. (Image: The Circle)

"The new location at Zurich Airport "The Circle" represents another important milestone for Unispace in our continuous development in the Swiss and global market", emphasizes Benji Tiso, Principal Unispace Switzerland. For him, this location decision is of great importance: "The forward-looking concept of The Circle underlines our position as market-defining visionaries in workplace design. The synergies that arise at this new location allow us to optimally contribute our expertise and form long-term partnerships. We are convinced that the Circle will further strengthen and highlight Unispace, but also Zurich Airport in the international context!"

Individual solutions

Unispace designs the working environments of companies and realizes innovative and future-oriented office spaces. In the Circle, the global company finds an ideal situation to implement its own expertise.

The new destination for Zurich is convincing because of its community spirit and synergies with other tenants and usage modules. In addition, the Circle is chosen to offer employees, customers and partners a modern, future-oriented working environment in Switzerland's best-connected location.

Alongside Microsoft and SAP, another globally active IT company is relocating its Swiss headquarters to the Circle. This makes the Circle a technology and innovation hotspot in Switzerland. In addition, the Circle is also very popular with biopharmaceutical companies. In addition to MSD, another pharmaceutical company has decided to relocate its Swiss headquarters to the Circle at Zurich Airport. In total, a further 8,000m2 of office space was leased with these three deals.

This means that most of the office space has been leased. Just under 10,000m2 of office space is still available, including small and large spaces in central locations. More information can be found on the following website:


Opening in stages from autumn 2020

Despite Coronavirus, the Circle is progressing well and only slight delays to completion are expected. Several tenants have already taken over their space, and the official opening of the high-publicity areas such as the convention center, hotel, restaurants and stores is planned for November 2020.

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