Heat Initiative Switzerland
Stakeholders from business, associations, science and administration met at the invitation of AEE Suisse for the kick-off meeting of the "Wärme Initiative Schweiz". The aim is to form an alliance to help renewable heat supply and use achieve a breakthrough in Switzerland. Included are also the aspects of cooling and heat storage.
The alliance members of the "Wärme Iniative Schweiz" agree: With the vote on the Energy Strategy 2050 on May 21, 2017, the goal of a sustainable energy supply based on renewable energies has not yet been achieved.
Goals and vision
Alongside mobility, heat consumption accounts for the largest share of energy demand in Switzerland. 45 percent of energy consumption is used for space heating and water heating. The Swiss building stock consumes around 100 TWh per year and thus accounts for 50 percent of all CO2-emissions. Heating accounts for 75 percent of this demand. Currently, 50 percent of this is covered by heating oil and 25 percent by natural gas (all figures estimated by the SFOE for the period 2010-2015). The SFOE's vision is to reduce this consumption to 55 TWh per year by 2050. In addition, no heating oil, natural gas or electricity should be used for direct consumption for heating (with any exceptions). District heating networks are to be supplied with more than 80 percent waste heat or renewable energies by 2025. By 2050, renewable energies are to be used to cover as much of the energy demand as possible throughout the year. Networks should not only be able to supply energy, but also to absorb it, depending on decentralized production.
The road is still long
Although the share of renewable energies in the heating sector for households has doubled since 1990, their share of total consumption is still only 17.6 percent. This is despite the fact that the necessary technologies are already available and established. Geothermal energy is an important cornerstone here. In order to make the energy supply fit for the future, urgent action must be taken. With the alliance "Wärme Initiative Schweiz", the forces from industry, associations and science are joining forces to achieve the desired goals and measures for renewable and efficient heating and cooling supply in the future totally revised CO2-The aim is to anchor the energy sector in the Energy Act, the Spatial Planning Act and the Model Cantonal Energy Ordinances (MuKEn). This requires a suitable political framework and active market development.
The time is ripe
The time is ripe to push for the creation of the necessary framework conditions with the "Wärme Initiative Schweiz". The consultation on the revision of the CO2-The discussions on the revision of the Renewable Heat Act have begun in the National Council's advisory committee. The MuKEn 2014 are currently being implemented in the cantons of Bern, Graubünden, Lucerne and Solothurn, and the dispatch on the revision of the Spatial Planning Act will follow in 2018. Renewable heat supply is not only possible, but also more economical.
"Heat Initiative Switzerland
The goals of the "Wärme Initiative Schweiz" are in detail:
- Combining the forces of the renewable and efficient heating industry
- Tangible impulses for politics, society, users
- Consideration of the concerns in the relevant laws and regulations
- Use of the revision of the CO2-Act, implementation of the MuKEn and revision of the Spatial Planning Act as an opportunity for raising awareness and (political) appreciation of thermal energy.
- Optimization of the political framework/rules of the game in the Swiss heating market
- Commitment to a sustainable breakthrough of renewable heat generation and efficient heat use
- Significant contribution to the implementation of the energy strategy and the achievement of climate targets
The "Wärme Initiative Schweiz" will develop a joint commitment under the umbrella of AEE Suisse. At the kick-off meeting on January 25, 2018, a first commitment was made by the participants and the basic principles, goals and To Dos were defined. At a further meeting, the alliance's commitment will be finalized and the goals of the "Wärme initiative Schweiz" will be defined. A heating strategy will be developed and an action program will be launched. Geothermal Switzerland will be involved. Geothermal energy has enormous potential for the efficient supply of renewable heating and cooling. (Source: geothermie-schweiz.ch)