Missed out on a professional career?
Many dream of a great career, but only very few actually make it. Promotion doesn't always happen right away. But instead of quitting right away, it's better to take the following four steps to heart. A checklist.

What is the reason that your career doesn't want to get off the ground? What could you do to still be able to take the right path?
Many people have already experienced it: a colleague is promoted, but not you. This is painful and tempts those affected to find a new employer as quickly as possible. But this is often not the right step. It is more promising to come up with a plan to be one of the lucky ones in the next round of promotions.
The New York career portal The Muse now recommends the following:
- Redirect negative emotions
If you don't get the promotion, it's understandable to be angry with your superiors and the company. It is important not to unload this frustration within the office premises. This will also damage your reputation. It is better to get away from it all. Take a long walk over lunch or go to the gym in the evening. An after-work drink with good friends helps to analyze the situation. There's a good chance that others have experienced the same thing.
- Decision makers strive
Once the emotions have been brought back under control, the analysis phase begins. This does not mean trying to extract information from office colleagues about the reasons for the non-promotion. You can act professionally if you go directly to your supervisor. Don't take on the role of victim, but find out what needs to be improved. Your message to bosses should be, "I want to help the company achieve sustainable growth and take responsibility."
- Work on yourself
Now is the time to take the criticism of the decision-makers seriously and work on yourself. It may not be due to professional qualifications or work dedication - it is often not the most capable people who are promoted, as is generally known. A broad network as well as a well-groomed appearance and eloquence are also important. In short: If you want to get ahead, you need a good dose of self-marketing.
- Prepare next steps
Not being promoted is not the end of the world. At the same time, you should not be discouraged and throw up your hands. Set a time period in which the promotion should become a fact. Work towards it (see point 3). But be careful. Doggedly holding on to a goal can be counterproductive. Especially if the person concerned is plagued by an uneasy feeling and the feedback from superiors sounds evasive and thin (see point 2).
In this context, it is probably better to come up with a reasonable exit strategy.
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