New federal AI degree strengthens the economy
The national organization for the world of work (OdA) ICT vocational training Switzerland is launching an educational project in collaboration with Huawei. A new federal PET qualification in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is being developed. The aim is to place the first graduates on the job market in 2026.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key technology for Switzerland. This is leading to an increasing demand for specialists in this field. An occupational field analysis conducted by ICT VET Switzerland among companies and the public administration as well as the assessment by a panel of experts have clearly shown that a federal qualification in the field of AI is desired. The respondents see this as an opportunity to increase efficiency in companies, drive technological innovation, identify and exploit new business opportunities, professionalize staff and reduce costs. The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI approved the launch of the project in August. The first audit is to be carried out in 2026.
No technical profile
The analysis has shown that a practice-oriented profile at the interface of business and IT is required, as such a profile has not yet been formally trained. The new profile in the field of AI product management combines methodological skills, basic technical knowledge as well as in-depth knowledge and an overview of AI technologies. Clarifications to date point to the development of a federal certificate. "With an independently audited, federal qualification, we want to bring calm to the continuing education market, which is currently flooded with non-formal courses," explains Serge Frech, Managing Director of ICT Vocational Training Switzerland.
Partnership with Huawei
ICT VET Switzerland is working closely with representatives from industry and public administration, in particular with its partner Huawei, to develop the new qualification. The ICT provider is one of the world's leading companies in the field of AI and is pursuing a clear AI strategy that extends from basic research to the product portfolio and talent development. With the aim of building a comprehensive AI ecosystem, Huawei is investing in efficient and accelerated education and training in this area, for example with its global Digital Intelligence Talent Development Program. "We are delighted to be able to count on Huawei's expertise in this project. The partnership will strengthen the international connectivity of the new federal qualification," says Dietmar Eglseder, Head of Higher Vocational Education and Training at ICT-Berufsbildung Schweiz.
Michael Yang, CEO of Huawei Switzerland, adds: "We are constantly impressed by Switzerland's innovative strength, which reflects the strength of the country's education system. We are proud to play our part in ensuring that Swiss specialists can exploit their full potential for competitive strength in companies in a wide range of industries, even in such an important future field as AI."