BGM in SMEs: It's possible!

The reservation that occupational health management (OHM) would primarily cause a lot of effort and bring too little benefit is stubbornly held by SMEs. Fröhlich Architektur AG in Bäch (SZ) is proving the opposite.

BGM in SMEs: Mathias Fröhlich shows that it is also worthwhile for small companies to invest in occupational health management. (Image: zVg)

The architecture firm has been awarded the "Friendly Work Space" label by Health Promotion Switzerland since August 2017. "We are the first architecture firm in the canton of Schwyz and currently the smallest company in Switzerland to receive this award," says owner Mathias Fröhlich. What was the trigger for this comprehensive BGM commitment?

Pragmatic start

In 2014, Mathias Fröhlich was confronted with the complete absence of a project manager and the executive assistant due to illness. A loss that was difficult to compensate for, with the risk of further absences due to a permanent overload of the remaining employees. For the entrepreneur it was clear that something had to be done preventively for the health of his team. He found the right support in his new management assistant and BGM manager Nadine Martig. Mathias Fröhlich on the beginnings: "We approached the topic very pragmatically with measures that were plausible for everyone involved. These included nutrition and ergonomics consulting as well as team workshops. These measures have proven so successful that they have since become an integral part of our occupational health management."

Measurable effect

Since 2014, Fröhlich Architektur has relied on the validated tools and expertise of Health Promotion Switzerland for the professional development of its systematic occupational health management. A partnership that has proven its worth. Linked to this was the decision to be certified as a "Friendly Work Space". Mathias Fröhlich thus sent a clear signal that, as an SME entrepreneur, the health of his employees is a priority for him.
employees is a sustainable concern. This also includes an annual BGM impact check using Friendly Work Space (FWS) Job Stress Analysis, the digital employee survey from Health Promotion Switzerland. "This is also a perfect initial orientation for getting started with BGM, which is why I recommend it to every SME," emphasizes Fröhlich.

Better through the crisis with BGM

In 2018, Fröhlich Architektur found itself in a serious economic crisis. "Thanks to our BGM measures, we were already very well sensitized at that time to pay attention to our own health and that of our colleagues in this extreme stress phase. Fears, concerns, criticism, etc. were and are openly addressed. The resulting strengthened team cohesion and the high level of loyalty of our employees have made a decisive contribution to overcoming this crisis. With these experiences under our belt, we were able to keep the Corona year 2020 well under control. That's why there's no question in my mind that systematic occupational health management is worthwhile - especially for SMEs," concludes Mathias Fröhlich.


Background: BGM in SMEs

The Fröhlich Architektur AG ( is based in Bäch (SZ) and Zurich. Owner Mathias Fröhlich and his highly qualified team of more than 20 people dedicate themselves with broad professional experience and enthusiasm to the design of valuable living space. Fröhlich Generalunternehmung AG, founded by Mathias Fröhlich in 2015, offers in addition to the architectural services also offers all GU/TU and real estate services.

Health Promotion Switzerland is a foundation under private law, supported by the cantons and insurers. With a legal mandate, it initiates, coordinates and evaluates measures to promote health. This also includes supporting companies in setting up an occupational health management system. Until March 31, 2021, Health Promotion Switzerland is offering SMEs that want to benefit from this support a simple and inexpensive way to get started with occupational health management.
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