Hand luggage for executives
A somewhat different book is aimed at leaders and all those who want to become leaders. On the topic of "Communicating & Resolving Conflicts", it forms the first volume of a five-part series entitled "Hand Luggage for Leaders".
It is somewhat unconventional, the book "Handgepäck für Führungskräfte. Communicating & Solving Conflicts", written by Hans Bleuer and Peter Stadler: It is a "book for cross readers" in the literal sense. Because it is in A4 landscape format. Each double-page spread consists of concise but clearly structured texts and a graphic that visualizes the core statements of a chapter. In this way, the book can be used consistently as a workbook or reference work. The authors decided on this presentation because, according to their experience, rapid learning and sustainable retention of knowledge is possible in this way. "Two prerequisites for being able to immediately use what has been learned in everyday life," they write in the preface.
Since leadership is not possible without communication, this volume forms the first part of the book series "Hand luggage for managers". The other volumes deal with the topics "Leading Employees & Teams", "Leading Departments & Teams", "Procuring & Developing Personnel" and "Leading & Developing Yourself". The books primarily focus on the role of department and team leaders and deliberately maintain a traditional and function-oriented view of day-to-day operations. Thus, no "Rocket Science" and new theories are imparted, but rather known knowledge is placed in the entrepreneurial context.
The practical value is certainly the strength of this volume. The subject area "Communicating & Solving Conflicts" is treated in four parts: "Understanding & Improving Communication", "Leading & Structuring Conversations", "Communicating for & with Groups" and "Recognizing & Managing Conflicts". Within each of these parts, a sub-topic is presented on a double page spread - as mentioned above. The visualizations are kept slim, and the "handwritten" character stands out pleasantly from usual PowerPoint slide batteries. Readers can easily find their way around the chapters and quickly find the information they need. Turning the pages in landscape format may take some getting used to at first, but this settles down with regular use of the book.
Hand luggage for executives" is recommended reading for all those who, for example, are preparing for an examination as part of further training or will soon be entrusted with an executive function. But also "seasoned executives" will find useful knowledge in it to recall it as needed.
Hand Luggage for Managers. Volume 1: Communicating & Resolving Conflicts.
By Hans Bleuer and Peter Stadler
KLV Verlag, ISBN 978-3-85612-443-4, 144 pages.