Circular Economy standardization roadmap launched

Together with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) and other organizations have started work on the Circular Economy Standardization Roadmap. The focus is on seven key topics.

Circular Economy, Circular Economy, Standardization Roadmap
© Depositphotos, bruesw

The standardization roadmap is intended to provide an overview of the status quo of standardization in the field of the circular economy, to describe requirements and challenges for seven key topics, and to identify and formulate the concrete need for action for future standards. This is according to the press release of the standardization bodies published on September 15, 2021.

For example, no requirements have yet been defined in norms and standards for plastic recyclates used in the manufacture of new products. Such requirements could lead to greater use of recyclates, they say. The standardization roadmap aims to identify and close these gaps in order to move more strongly toward a circular economy. To this end, the German Institute for Standardization invites (DIN), which DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies in DIN and VDE) and the Association of German Engineers (VDI) invites all interested experts from the Circular Economy to contribute their ideas and needs and thus actively accompany the path to a Circular Economy.

Strategically identify standardization needs

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze: "Anyone who takes the idea of a circular economy seriously must look at the entire life cycle of products - from product design and recyclability to the use of recycled materials. Norms and standards that are adhered to in a secure and traceable manner play a major role in this. If all those involved along the value chain can rely on such standards, they will be better able to close loops and thus protect the climate and the environment." Christoph Winterhalter, Chairman of DIN's Executive Board, said, "With the standardization roadmap, we will strategically record future standardization needs and formulate concrete recommendations for action in technical rulemaking. This is an important step in driving forward the green transformation of Germany and Europe."

Michael Teigeler, DKE Managing Director emphasizes the benefits of standardization: "Norms and standards ensure clear communication between the various market players in the cycle and thus make a smooth cycle possible in the first place. In addition, they promote broad social acceptance of circular products and increase the associated economic efficiency."

Seven focus topics

The Circular Economy standardization roadmap focuses on seven key topics:

  • Electrical engineering & ICT
  • Batteries
  • Packages
  • Plastics
  • Textiles
  • Buildings & Municipalities
  • Digitalization/Business Models/Management

These are based on the focus topics of the EU's Circular Economy Action Plan.

Collaboration platform for interested professionals 

"To develop the roadmap, we are bringing representatives from business, science, the public sector and civil society together at one table. We would therefore like to invite experts from the Circular Economy to participate in the seven working groups from January 2022 and put forward their ideas for discussion," explains Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Schäfer, Managing Director of the VDI Society Materials Engineering. At a kick-off event on October 21, 2021, DIN, DKE and VDI will present the project and the selected key topics in more detail and answer questions about participation. Interested experts can register as of now on the collaboration platform DIN.ONE register and are thus regularly provided with information on the project. The publication of the Circular Economy Standardization Roadmap is scheduled for December 2022, according to the press release.

Source: DIN


The Circular Economy Advisory Board of DIN and DKE in the Environmental Protection Coordination Office (KU) coordinates the work on the standardization roadmap. It includes leading figures and experts from industry associations, civil society organizations, science and research institutions, and the public sector. The chairman of the advisory board is Dr. Helge Wendenburg, Ministerial Director, formerly of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The vice-chairmen are Dr. Anna Braune, Head of R&D, German Sustainable Building Council DGNB e. V. and Dr. Jens Giegerich, Manager Technical Regulatory Affairs, Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG.

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